Saturday, 6 February 2010

Week 5 - Speed

Edit : Finally started to get caught up on these after being sick for a couple of weeks.

I've turned out to be far more terrible at this Photo 52 lark than I'd anticipated.

I'm pretty much over the surgery now, and have come off the drugs, so it's time to play catch up.

If too much of the day hasn't gone already by the time I've got all the jobs done that need doing around here, I'll be heading out with the camera to see what I can find. :)

Updated 11/2/2010

Decided to go a little different this week.  While I had the D300s, D200 and a bunch of lenses with me at the time, I decided that I really couldn't be bothered unpacking gear on the middle of a train journey.  So, I decided to give this a try with my Samsung Omnia.

I've been trying to do more shooting with the mobile phone's built in camera juts to see how far it can be taken.  So, this is my first real test.  I think it shows the speed theme off well enough.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Week 4 - Street

Due to my doctor admitting me to hospital on Monday for emergency surgery, I was unable to go out and shoot a subject I was really looking forward to trying.

Street photography isn't something I do, or have ever done in fact, so I'm really bummed out I haven't been able to get this one done in time.

But, I reserve the right to revisit this one in the future when time & bodily functions allow. :)